OpenCities Map Help

Helix Curve

(3D only) Used to place a helix (3D B-spline curve).

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Placement > Create Curves split button
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Curves > Create Curves
  • Toolbox: Create Curves

Thread Can be right or left.
Axis Sets the direction of the helix's axis.
  • Points — Lets you define the direction of the axis graphically.
  • Screen X, Y, or Z — Sets the direction of the axis parallel to the Screen X, Y, or Z axis.
  • Drawing X, Y, or Z — Sets the direction of the axis parallel to the Drawing, or DGN file's X, Y, or Z axis.
Orthogonal If on, the helix is orthogonal.
Top Radius If on, sets the second radius.
Base Radius If on, sets the first radius.
Height If on, sets the height.
Pitch If on, sets the pitch.
Tolerance Sets the tolerance.